Migrant Support

What is the ALAPA Migrant Support Program?

The ALAPA Migrant Support Program for the City of New York aims to address the ongoing migrant crisis by developing a comprehensive support system for migrants and partnering with hotels and other large buildings to create safe havens and shelters throughout the city. This program will be implemented in collaboration with nonprofits and organizations committed to providing assistance and protection to migrants in need.


  1. Provide safe and secure accommodations: Partner with hotels and large buildings to create temporary shelters for migrants, ensuring their safety, security, and basic needs are met.
  2. Offer essential services: Collaborate with nonprofits to provide essential services such as food, healthcare, legal aid, language support, and counseling to migrants.
  3. Promote community integration: Facilitate programs that foster integration and inclusion of migrants within the local community, promoting cultural understanding and social cohesion.
  4. Empowerment and skill-building: Provide opportunities for migrants to acquire new skills, access vocational training, and find employment to enhance their self-reliance and long-term stability.
  5. Advocacy and policy influence: Engage in advocacy efforts to raise awareness about migrant rights, shape policies that support their protection and well-being, and collaborate with government agencies and stakeholders.


  1. Needs assessment: Conduct a thorough needs assessment to determine the specific requirements and challenges faced by migrants in New York City.
  2. Partnership establishment: Identify and establish partnerships with hotels and large buildings willing to offer their space for temporary shelters.
  3. Nonprofit collaboration: Engage with nonprofits working in the field of migrant support to develop a network of service providers and volunteers.
  4. Shelter setup: Coordinate the setup and management of shelters, ensuring they meet safety standards and provide adequate facilities for migrants.
  5. Service provision: Collaborate with nonprofits to offer a range of services, including food, healthcare, legal aid, language assistance, and mental health support, within the shelters.
  6. Community engagement: Organize community outreach programs, cultural events, and workshops to promote understanding, empathy, and integration among migrants and local residents.
  7. Skill-building initiatives: Develop vocational training programs, language classes, and job placement assistance to empower migrants to secure employment and enhance their self-sufficiency.
  8. Advocacy and policy influence: Work with government agencies, policymakers, and other stakeholders to advocate for migrant rights, influence policy changes, and secure additional resources for the program.
  9. Monitoring and evaluation: Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system to track the program’s effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and ensure accountability.

The ALAPA Migrant Support Program List

  1. Temporary Shelter Program:

    • Collaborate with hotels and large buildings to provide safe and secure temporary shelters for migrants.
    • Ensure the shelters meet safety standards, offer basic amenities, and promote a welcoming environment.
  2. Essential Services Program:

    • Food and Nutrition Assistance: Partner with local food banks and organizations to provide regular meals and food assistance to migrants in shelters.
    • Healthcare Services: Collaborate with healthcare providers and clinics to offer medical check-ups, vaccinations, and access to healthcare services.
    • Legal Aid and Immigration Support: Establish partnerships with legal service organizations to provide legal assistance, immigration counseling, and support with documentation processes.
    • Language Support: Organize language classes and language exchange programs to help migrants learn English and facilitate better communication.
    • Mental Health and Counseling: Work with mental health professionals to offer counseling services and support for migrants experiencing trauma or mental health challenges.
  3. Community Integration Program:

    • Cultural Exchange Events: Organize cultural events, festivals, and workshops to promote understanding and cultural exchange between migrants and the local community.
    • Volunteer and Mentorship Programs: Facilitate volunteer opportunities for community members to engage with migrants, providing mentorship, language practice, and friendship.
    • Community Outreach and Education: Conduct awareness campaigns and educational workshops to address misconceptions, stereotypes, and promote empathy and inclusion.
  4. Skill-Building and Employment Program:

    • Vocational Training: Collaborate with vocational training institutes and organizations to offer skills development programs aligned with local job market demands.
    • Job Placement Assistance: Establish partnerships with employers and employment agencies to facilitate job placements for migrants, providing support with resumes, interviews, and networking.
    • Entrepreneurship Support: Offer training and resources for migrants interested in starting their own businesses, including business planning, financial management, and mentorship.
  5. Advocacy and Policy Influence Program:

    • Policy Research and Analysis: Conduct research and analysis on policies affecting migrants and provide recommendations for improvements.
    • Advocacy Campaigns: Raise awareness about migrant rights, engage in public advocacy campaigns, and collaborate with advocacy organizations to influence policy changes.
    • Collaboration with Government Agencies: Establish relationships with relevant government departments and agencies to actively participate in policy discussions and promote migrant-friendly policies.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation Program:

    • Develop a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness of the programs, track outcomes, and make data-driven improvements.
    • Regular data collection and analysis to measure the impact on migrants’ well-being, integration, and self-reliance.
    • Solicit feedback from migrants and stakeholders to ensure the programs are meeting their needs and identify areas for enhancement.

Each of these programs should be designed, implemented, and monitored in collaboration with relevant nonprofits, organizations, and community stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive and effective support system for migrants in New York City.