How We Support You?

Afro-Latino Advocacy 

ALAPA actively engages with policymakers, legislators, and community leaders to advance public policies that promote equality and social justice. We conduct research, draft policy proposals, and participate in advocacy campaigns to drive systemic change.

Legal Assistance:
Our team of experienced lawyers and legal experts provides free or low-cost legal assistance to individuals facing housing, immigration, or other related legal challenges. We strive to ensure that everyone has access to justice and equal protection under the law.

Community Education:
ALAPA conducts educational workshops, training sessions, and awareness campaigns to empower communities with knowledge and resources. We aim to foster self-advocacy, build leadership skills, and promote civic engagement for positive social change.

Resource Center:
Our online resource center serves as a hub for information, tools, and resources related to housing rights, immigration rights, environmental justice, and hunger reduction. We provide downloadable guides, FAQs, legal forms, and relevant news updates to assist individuals and organizations in navigating these critical issues.

Program Overview: AfroLatino Forward is a fresh, innovative, and dynamic program specifically designed to advance the rights and interests of Afro-Latino communities. Our program is rooted in the recognition of the unique challenges faced by Afro-Latinos and aims to empower, uplift, and amplify their voices. Through a comprehensive approach that combines advocacy, community engagement, cultural preservation, and policy reforms, AfroLatino Forward strives to create a more inclusive and equitable society for Afro-Latinos.

Key Components of ALAPA:

  1. Advocacy and Policy Reforms:
  • Advocate for policy changes and legislative reforms that address systemic discrimination, racial inequalities, and social injustices faced by Afro-Latino communities.
  • Collaborate with policymakers, lawmakers, and government agencies to ensure the inclusion of Afro-Latino perspectives and concerns in policy development and implementation.
  • Mobilize grassroots campaigns, public awareness initiatives, and policy briefings to raise visibility and generate support for Afro-Latino rights.
  1. Community Empowerment and Engagement:
  • Establish community centers and resource hubs that serve as safe spaces for Afro-Latino individuals and families to access support services, cultural programs, and advocacy resources.
  • Facilitate community organizing, leadership development, and capacity-building initiatives to empower Afro-Latino communities in addressing their specific challenges.
  • Foster intergenerational dialogue and mentorship programs to strengthen Afro-Latino identity, resilience, and cultural heritage.
  1. Cultural Preservation and Representation:
  • Promote Afro-Latino cultural heritage through arts, music, literature, and other forms of expression to foster pride, understanding, and appreciation within and beyond the community.
  • Organize cultural festivals, exhibitions, and performances that showcase the diverse contributions of Afro-Latinos to the broader society.
  • Collaborate with cultural institutions, artists, and scholars to document, preserve, and promote Afro-Latino histories, legacies, and traditions.
  1. Education and Awareness:
  • Develop educational materials, curricula, and workshops that highlight the history, achievements, and contributions of Afro-Latinos to challenge stereotypes and promote inclusivity.
  • Partner with schools, universities, and educational institutions to integrate Afro-Latino perspectives into existing curricula and create spaces for dialogue and understanding.
  • Organize public lectures, panel discussions, and film screenings to raise awareness about Afro-Latino issues and foster cross-cultural exchange.